105-year-old Pakistani finally performs Hajj after years of saving,

MINA — Noor Mohammed, a 105-year-old Pakistani pilgrim, has at long last possessed the capacity to make it to Makkah after a few fizzled endeavors. "My rehashed disappointments to perform Haj did not discourage me. I proceeded with my battle to spare cash and leave on the life's voyage time," he told Al-Hayat daily paper on Thursday. He said he has been sparing cash for a long time. 

"The Haj expenses were expanding a seemingly endless amount of time. Each time I attempted to gather enough cash, I would come up short on account of the troublesome budgetary states of my family," he said. 

Mohammed said he was just ready to spare the Haj cash at this maturity. "When I crossed 100, I had the capacity spare the obliged measure of cash to finish my deep rooted dream," he said. 

He said when he touched base in Saudi Arabia surprisingly, he found that the Haj was not as troublesome as he used to think. 

He said his companions, who are all dead now, used to identify with him about hardships and troubles amid the Haj. 

"The offices I have seen have pulverized the old mutilated picture I used to have about the Haj," he included. 

Mohammed said the Haj has now turned out to be simple particularly for the old individuals like him on account of the coordinated offices and administrations being given by the significant Saudi offices. 

"It is presently simple to move between the blessed locales. It is additionally simple to perform the customs. This is as opposed to the photo I have summoned about the Haj for a long time," he said. 

Mohammed, utilizing a thick stick to stroll on, was in tears all the time he was conversing with the daily paper. "These are tears of satisfaction," he explains!

Source : saudigazette


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